🚀 1000++ tests with answer keys
🚀 Practice 4 skills: Listening - Reading - Speaking - Writing.
🚀 Cambridge & ETS standard exam templates.
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Fast track studying journey and score the highest points in Cambridge/ TOEFL exams with INTERACTIVE & FUN practice tests. Say goodbye to tedious paper exercises.
🚀 Compete against friends in Challenge Mode.
🚀 Real-time scoreboard creates healthy competitive spirit.
🚀 Personalized features: self-timing,
background themes, etc.
Turn your kids self-studying time into stress-free playing hours with friends. Yet, "playing FLYER" helps improve their English.
English is FUN when studying with friends
Test your English level in just a few clicks
Identify student's strengths and areas requiring improvements through age-appropriate placement tests. Better prepare for upcoming exams with our auto-scoring & auto level-classification features!